Sunday, March 14, 2010


I hate cyclists. I have friends that are cyclists and they are very nice people but something seems to happen to the human psyche as soon as a pair of spandex pants becomes part of the equation. They become road vultures. Taking over the road sometimes 3 or 4 abreast. Totally oblivious of road signs. They have their own sign language which you have to be a cyclist to understand. I mean how am I supposed to know a fist means "watch out for the pothole" and not "Im going to moer you if you drive so close behind me" Come on, what is wrong with you people, do you not know why they invented the yellow line? Try driving chappies when you're late and have to sit behind a group of wannabe Lance Armstrongs.
I now drive the Landy when I go on Chappies. It has a bullbar.
I might be rambling a bit but that is because I have time on my hands right now, maybe because I can't leave the house for the entire day while all those spandex wearing freaks are streaking past the front door!
Noordhoek however, really does come to the party in their support of the Argus. Early morning boerie makers, line dancers (they know how to use the yellow line) drummers, fire eaters, "unofficial" masseurs, random flashers. Noordhoek definitely offers the cyclists a warm + colourful welcome.
Did I mention that Simon has a bike. Simon doesnt ride his bike. Simon's bike has done the Argus 3 times.
Well done The Stead. Well done Black Beauty.
Here's a pic of the leading guys, yes that is Lance.

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